newsletter-2-e1430931191363I just want to start out by saying how grateful I am that this site, as well as the alumni program exists. I feel like it goes without saying that as alumni of StR we share the common feeling of being part of a family. I have personally had such a positive experience being apart of this community, as hope you have all too.

As a lot of you know, an Alumni Meeting is held every Tuesday night at Steps to Recovery at 7:00 pm. There is also a Facebook group we encourage you to become an active member of.

The Alumni board, along with help of Kelsey McCarthy, has a lot of exciting things coming up for us in the near future. Announcements can be found on the Facebook page as well as at the meeting. This is truly an excellent opportunity to get involved in service work and build a much needed support network with other people in recovery.

This blog is anonymous. Please feel free to post on here about your experience with StR, ask questions, provide and receive support and use this as a tool in your recovery.