People who wonder what is disordered eating might be surprised to know it springs from an unhealthy relationship with food. Something that should nourish the body has become the enemy. Instead of enjoying tasteful nutrients, a person may fear what they eat. They may also develop a forbidden fruit allure towards food.

What is Disordered Eating?

young woman wondering what is disordered eatingRegularly engaging in abnormal food behaviors or eating patterns reveals the presence of disordered eating. Often, a person turns to this disorder to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Rather than address the real problem, they create a new one by shifting their focus. They use their weight and calorie intake as a means of distraction.

An understanding of what is disordered eating reveals that the person may feel extreme anxiety about food. They begin to exercise excessively or avoid social situations that will involve eating.

Reaching a weight goal only continues the cycle because feeling inadequate in other areas has not changed. They simply lower their ideal weight hoping that accomplishing the goal will make them happy. What really happens is they are vulnerable to developing an eating disorder.

Understanding the Risks of Disordered Eating

Exploring how and to what extent this condition affects a person’s daily life is important. This helps to determine whether they can benefit from disordered eating treatment.

An assessment of what is disordered eating may show that a person has a hard time concentrating. Thoughts about food, their body and exercising hamper their ability to focus. This exceeds anticipating a good meal. Their concentration impedes their ability to perform at school or work.

A person’s social life is also at risk when they battle disordered eating. Eating in a restaurant becomes a scary thought. This is especially true when consuming foods disrupts their exercise routine.

Symptoms of Disordered Eating

Signs that a person suffers from disordered eating may resemble behaviors commonly known with eating disorders. These symptoms may include:

  • Excessive exercise
  • Binge eating
  • Food restriction
  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Use of laxatives or diet pills

A person may also struggle with self-esteem or self-worth issues based solely on their body weight and shape. This occurs even if they fall within a healthy weight range. They will still see themselves as overweight.

Another sign that this person has an unhealthy relationship with food is their rigid approach to eating. Not only will they refuse to eat in a restaurant, but they are inflexible about meal times.

Breaking Disordered Eating Habits

Knowing what is disordered eating is crucial before you can break the cycle. The severity of a person’s behaviors typically requires professional help. Otherwise, remaining in this spiral can lead to the need for an eating disorder treatment plan.

This is where Steps to Recovery can help uncover the root causes of disordered eating. Our Pennsylvania addiction recovery services center makes our clients’ needs our #1 priority.

We have treatment modalities such as:

  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Outpatient treatment program
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Aftercare program

Put an end to your unhealthy relationship with eating. Call our treatment center today at 267.719.8528. We are here to support your path to healthy eating habits.