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How Social Media Impacts Addiction Recovery

These days, social media is a huge part of everyday life. There is a social media platform for everything, from posting photos and videos to sharing news and updates with followers. We use these networks every day and seamlessly incorporate checking them into our daily routines. Using social media regularly may seem harmless, but it could have some varying effects on people in the recovery process. While social media could


Can Your Heart Heal After Addiction?

The Impact of Substance Abuse on Cardiovascular Health The cardiovascular system (which includes the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries) is perhaps one of the most essential organ systems in a person’s body. The heart, obviously, is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body and maintaining blood pressure. Arteries, on the other hand, carry nutrients away from the heart and closer to other tissues in the body. Veins branch off throughout


Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Hair Loss?

Shedding hair is a completely normal process for humans. In fact, we lose about 50 to 100 hairs from our head per day on average. Losing some strands every day is natural, but losing hair at an extreme rate or losing clumps of hair may be a sign of a bigger problem. There are many factors that could contribute to balding: aging, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and more. But there


How Does Alcoholism Develop Over Time?

Alcoholism: The 4 Main Stages   What Is Alcoholism? Alcoholism is a serious type of alcohol use disorder that makes people dependent on drinking. People with alcoholism usually have a high tolerance, meaning that they need to drink more than other people to feel the same effects. If someone has alcoholism, they will continue abusing alcohol despite knowing and/or experiencing the consequences of drinking heavily.   How To Tell If


The Connection Between Alcohol and Violence

Drinking alcohol can cause people to exhibit different types of behaviors. Some people feel happy when they’re drunk, some feel sad when they’re under the influence, and others get angry. In fact, the “angry drunk” stereotype is not far from the truth for some. It’s no secret that drinking alcohol can lead to aggression. A majority of individuals who commit violent crimes or acts are under the influence of alcohol


Heroin Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Heroin is an illicit synthetic opioid drug, which means it is designed to interact with opioid receptors in the brain. By binding to these brain receptors, heroin can relieve pain and reduce symptoms of anxiety. It can also cause an intense high or euphoric sensation. Many people who struggle with opiate addiction eventually turn to heroin because it can satisfy cravings and make them feel high in the same way


Which Disorders Do Benzos Treat?

Conditions That Benzodiazepines Are Designed to Treat What Benzodiazepines Are & What They Do Benzodiazepines (more commonly referred to as benzos) are a class of prescription medications that have a calming effect on the body and mind. Benzos work by enhancing the GABA transmitter in the brain and slowing the central nervous system down to induce a state of relaxation. Some drugs that fit into this class include brand name


The Top 3 Most Commonly Used Drugs

Which Three Drugs Do Individuals Use & Abuse the Most? There are many different types of drugs in existence – some that can cure deadly disorders, a few that produce a certain sensation, and others that could cause serious health complications. While every drug out there varies based on their ingredients and purposes, most of them have one big thing in common: they have the potential to be abused and

Depressed young man suffering from insomnia sitting in bed

A Guide to Protracted Withdrawal Symptoms

What Symptoms Will You Experience If You Have Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome?   Protracted Withdrawal: The Definition Protracted withdrawal is different from acute withdrawal (which is usually just referred to as “withdrawal”) in one profound way. While the symptoms of protracted withdrawal are similar to those of acute withdrawal, protracted withdrawal symptoms last much longer. Acute withdrawal symptoms typically last anywhere from about 5 days to 3 weeks, while protracted withdrawal


Do I Have a Hangover or Alcohol Poisoning?

Almost all adults who drink alcohol, whether casually or heavily, have experienced a hangover at some point in their lives. Fewer individuals can say they have had alcohol poisoning. In some cases, however, a person with an extremely bad hangover may think they are going through alcohol poisoning. And on the other hand, alcohol poisoning can sometimes be confused for a very bad hangover. This is because the symptoms of


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