How to Screen Drug Treatment Centers in Langhorne PAIn seeking drug treatment centers in Langhorne PA, you likely want the best possible chance of recovery from your addiction. You’re probably conducting research online, looking for the best rehab for your individual needs. But how can you really tell if drug treatment centers in Langhorne PA are right for you? Are websites overselling what rehabs offer? What method is reliable, when it comes to screening drug treatment centers?

Screen Drug Treatment Centers in Langhorne PA by Licensure and Accreditation

The first method of screening possible drug treatment centers in Langhorne PA as suitable for your needs is to ensure they are licensed and accredited. This simple step eliminates many rehab centers that aren’t worth your consideration.

Pennsylvania State Licensure

The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs is the entity responsible for licensure and regulation of drug treatment centers in Langhorne PA and throughout the state. After a facility gains the state’s approval for operation, that facility must display its certificate of licensure or compliance. Licensed drug treatment centers throughout the state have met standards of Pennsylvania for the following aspects of service provision:

  • Staffing
  • Facilities
  • Services offered
  • Treatment modalities
  • Specialized narcotic treatment methods

Accreditation by the Joint Commission

The Joint Commission has established high standards of patient safety, security, treatment and satisfaction that programs must meet or exceed in order to gain accreditation. Accreditation by the Joint Commission enables a drug treatment center to display the gold seal of the Joint Commission on its website, making it easier for potential patients to determine which drug treatment centers in PA are among the best.

However, accreditation isn’t an easy process. Few facilities go through the multi-year process toward accreditation and fewer succeed at gaining the gold seal. So you will likely not find an accredited drug rehab in Langhorne. Luckily, an accredited program is only 15 minutes away, in Levittown.

Why Accredited Drug Treatment Is Important

When you’re looking for drug treatment that will provide you with the best possible chance of sustainable recovery, the Joint Commission’s accreditation provides insight into that program’s ability to meet those needs through the following aspects of service:

  • Highest quality of therapeutic care
  • Excellence in patient satisfaction
  • A comfortable, secure, confidential environment of treatment
  • Licensed, trained and professional staff
  • Continued monitoring of patient health
  • Respect of individual patients and their rights

Steps to Recovery in Levittown, PA Provides Accredited Drug Treatment

As an alternative to a lower quality rehab in Langhorne, Steps to Recovery in Levittown, PA provides accredited drug treatment. Steps to Recovery is only 15 minutes from home for residents of Langhorne, ensuring easy and quick access to the program for patients and their families.

It’s time to put your addiction in the past. If you or someone you love are ready to gain Joint Commission-accredited treatment so close to home, call Steps to Recovery now at 267.719.8528.