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man is not sure how to quit drinking alcohol

How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Learning how to quit drinking alcohol isn’t always easy. Some people can stop drinking whenever they want. Others have an unquenchable thirst for the drug that gets worse the less that they drink. When this happens, learning how to give up alcohol takes more than just willpower. How to Quit Drinking Alcohol Before people can learn how to quit drinking alcohol, they have to ask themselves if they’re ready for

individual mixing Xanax and alcohol

The Dangers of Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

It’s never a good idea to mix drugs. Alcohol itself is a drug even though many people don’t think so. While people shouldn’t mix any types of drugs, Xanax and alcohol rank among the worst. The reason is that they cause several adverse side effects. What Is Xanax? Most people know what alcohol is. It’s a drug that they can buy in nearly any store around the country. With that

evidence of cocaine and alcohol abuse

The Dangers of Cocaine and Alcohol

Cocaine and alcohol, separately, are dangerously addictive drugs. Both are psychologically addicting, which means users can become mentally reliant on the drugs. However, the two can be even more dangerous when combined. Quickly, excessive use of cocaine and alcohol can derail someone’s life. The Dangers of Cocaine and Alcohol Peer pressure can often make people engage in poor decision-making. For example, at parties, cocaine and alcohol use can get out

evidence of teen alcohol abuse

Preventing Teen Alcohol Abuse

Statistics claim that teen alcohol abuse is down. But the numbers mean very little when your adolescent is at risk. There are ways of preventing underage alcohol consumption. That said, addiction treatment specialists use various methods of dealing with it once it does happen. How to Prevent Teen Alcohol Abuse Most school districts now implement curricula that emphasize sobriety. These health lessons take place throughout the elementary and high school

individual drinking wonders is alcohol a stimulant

Is Alcohol a Stimulant?

Currently, the country is focusing on the current drug crisis taking place. However, this opioid focus is allowing people to ignore the dangers of alcohol abuse. Because alcohol is a legal substance, many don’t tend to worry about how much and how often they consume a drink. What many fail to realize is that alcohol is still one of the leading causes of death in America. When you focus on

woman suffering from depression and alcohol abuse

Depression and Alcohol Abuse: What’s the Connection

If you look at ads that promote different alcohol brands, you might conclude that drinking leads to all sorts of happy outcomes. It may be surprising to learn; however, there’s more of a link between depression and alcohol abuse. Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it slows down the body. It also increases the likelihood of feeling depressed. While it’s not always clear which comes first — problem drinking or depression

man ponders the alcohol withdrawal timeline

Understanding the Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline

Many individuals struggle with alcohol abuse or addiction but don’t want to get help. Often, fear of withdrawal is a significant deterrent. By understanding the alcohol withdrawal timeline, clients can be more confident when heading into detox and rehab. Explore the timetable for alcohol withdrawal and begin planning for your total recovery. Deciding to Seek Help For Alcohol Addiction The first step in addiction recovery is acknowledging that there is

man is suffering from the mental effects of alcohol

The Mental Effects of Alcohol

To seek appropriate help for an alcohol abuse problem, you must recognize that the issue exists. The information below will address how to define alcohol abuse accurately. Additionally, it will also discuss common mental effects of alcohol, and the reasons why seeking professional treatment is essential. How to Define Alcohol Abuse Learning how professionals define an alcohol use disorder is an important part of understanding this issue. In general, the

Gambling Addiction Group Therapy

Economic Effects of Alcohol and Drugs

Research reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that alcohol abuse costs the US around $223.5 billion annually, with close to 75% of the expenses related to binge drinking(1). Reduced productivity in the workplace accounts for the greatest cost, taking up more than 70% of the total cost of alcohol abuse, while paying for the health and law enforcement expenses related to problem drinking each accounts for

Resolving to Be Sober

Resolving to Be Sober

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. The Christmas decorations are being taken down, the family and friends have all gone home, and we are ready to carry on with life as usual. For those of us who are hoping 2013 brings a more prosperous, healthier life, this is the time to evaluate ourselves and the way we live. Preventing Addiction And Resolving to Be Sober Millions of


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